Can My Teeth Shift After Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great option for replacing missing teeth precisely because they never move. The implant offers a sturdy base for the dental crown so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing moving teeth when you speak or eat, unlike dentures. 

However, what if it feels like your implant is suddenly moving? Read on in this blog from Smile Dental Boutique to find out why implants should never move and what this could really be a sign of.

Why It Can Feel Like Your Implants Are Moving

The answer is no, your dental implants should not be moving and probably aren’t. If you just had dental implants placed and feel the sensation of movement in your mouth, it is more likely your mouth adjusting to the feeling of a new tooth in the mouth. 

The body is sensitive to detecting foreign objects in the mouth and can cause abnormal sensations in response. This is something that also happens when you get a new set of dentures, the body increases normal bodily responses because it thinks a foreign object in the mouth isn’t supposed to be there. 

You may feel increased pressure on your other teeth that is comparable to the feeling of having braces tightened and this can create the illusion that your teeth are moving. This is only temporary and usually subsides within about a day. 

Rare Implant Movement Is a Sign of Implant Failure

Dental implants should never move. Once the titanium post is implanted into the jawbone, osseointegration takes place over 3 to 6 months. During this process, the jawbone grows around the implant, resulting in fusion and forming an artificial tooth root. From there, the abutment and crown are attached. 

The implantation of the post into the jawbone provides a stable base for the tooth restoration so that it never shifts when you speak or eat. Under no circumstances should your implant ever move, even right after the initial placement of the implant.

Genuine movement of the implant is rare but it can happen and is a serious dental emergency. The only time an implant will move is if there was an implant failure. The most common causes of implant failure are peri-implantitis which is an infection of the soft and hard tissues that surround the implant. It can also be caused by an allergy to titanium.

Preventing Implant Failure

The best way to prevent implant failure is to closely follow the aftercare and recovery instructions given to you by your dentist. You should practice good oral hygiene by regularly brushing and flossing but avoiding the implant site as well as rinsing with saltwater solutions about 3 times a day. 

You will have a list of things that you need to avoid in the initial period of your recovery, especially the first 24 hours. These include abstaining from alcohol, smoking, strenuous activity, eating hard or chewy foods, all forms of suction, and rinsing the mouth (in the first 24 hours). 

You will need to eat a soft food diet for a few weeks while the implant site heals and you will need to avoid chewing as much as possible. Pressure on the implant site and food particles clogging the site can be harmful, so keep your mouth clean and eat on the other side of your mouth. 

Pay attention to your symptoms in the first few days following surgery. Minimal bleeding, swelling, and tenderness are normal but they shouldn’t be excessive or last for longer than 72 hours.

Permanently Replace Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

While shifting implants or teeth can rarely occur after implant surgery, it’s extremely rare and only occurs in response to implant failure. By carefully following your aftercare instructions, you greatly reduce your risk of this happening. If you’re interested in dental implants, contact us at Smile Dental Boutique today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pegah Naji.

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