Family Dentistry

Providing Care for Patients of All Ages

At Smile Dental Boutique, our office is a place for patients across all ages. Starting with childhood treatments and leading into lifetime care, we are here to ensure your entire family's smiles are healthy and looking their best. We are proud to serve as a family dentist in Mission Viejo, offering a full suite of treatments for all needs.

As a family dental center, we can treat oral health concerns for children and teenagers and can continue care once your child turns 18. Our focus is on preventative care, bolstering your smile's health to avoid problems before they arise. By treating the whole family, our care plans take into account any potential health risks or hereditary issues that might happen, staying ahead of any illness or disease. Call our office today or use our online form to set up an appointment for yourself or a family member.

family dentist in Mission Viejo

Did you know…

Bacteria in tooth

Flossing cleans about 40% of your teeth, removing plaque that brushing cannot reach.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (949) 787-1822 today!

Benefits of Having a Family Dentist

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Reduce Dental Anxiety

Working with the same dentist regularly allows you and your children to build a relationship with them. Much of dental anxiety comes from fear of the unknown or feeling alone. But working with a trusted dentist eliminates both of these worries, leading to less stress and a more positive experience.

Additionally, a child's early dental experiences can shape a lifetime of how they feel about visiting the dentist. Having a consistent, comfortable atmosphere for your child's early visits can have a lasting positive impact. The same applies to adults with dental anxiety. Working with the same dentist for years can build trust and reduce overall stress with each visit.

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Convenience in Scheduling

When your entire family works with the same dentist, it becomes easier to book appointments back to back that maximize convenience.

In addition to saving you from multiple trips to our office, blocking appointments like this minimizes the amount of time spent away from work, school, or even your free time. We know taking time out of your day for the dentist is not the most exciting of prospects, so we work to make it as convenient as possible for the families we work with.

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Dedicated Emergency Care

Children and teens are highly prone to dental injuries due to sports or accidental injuries. But adults have their share of dental emergencies as well. In such situations, it is usually vital to have treatment as soon as possible, which is why we offer same-day appointments.

By having a family dentist ready who is also an emergency dentist, you prepare your family for any such dental emergencies. Having your dentist ready saves you the time spent trying to find one in a situation where time is of the essence.

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Preventive Care Today, Better Health Tomorrow

While we provide treatments for all manner of dental concerns, our biggest mission is to prevent those issues before they arise. With a focus on preventative care, we aim to equip families with the tools to maintain oral health. This includes helping your children build healthy oral hygiene habits early on in life and tailoring care to address individual risk factors. 

Preventative care is quicker, more comfortable, and less expensive than dealing with the extensive treatments needed to address tooth decay or gum disease. Whether you are a kid or an adult, prevention is key throughout life.

Types of Sedation

View our services

Nitrous Oxide

Laughing gas is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that is inhaled through a nasal mask along with oxygen. The sedative goes into effect within a couple of minutes of inhalation - these effects include a sense of euphoria, deep relaxation, giddiness, and sleepiness. You may also feel heaviness and tingling in your limbs. 

You are completely conscious during your procedure and can understand what’s going on around you. You can respond to the dentist if they ask you a question or give you instructions. However, you may not remember the procedure afterward due to the amnesiac effect.

Did you know…

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Severe or sudden tooth pain may be a sign of an infected tooth, which is a  dental emergency.

Ready to schedule your appointment?

Call (949) 787-1822 today!

Family Dentistry FAQs

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What do family dentists do?

Family dentistry centers around disease prevention and keeping your smile healthy before problems arise. This means routine checkups to spot early signs of tooth decay or gum disease and to remove any dental buildup that is the source of many other dental and oral problems. We do offer a variety of pediatric dental treatment and see both kids and adults.

Some key treatments we offer include:

●  Teeth cleaning
●  Fluoride treatments
●  Dental fillings and sealants
●  Root canal therapy
●  Pulpotomy
●  Tooth extractions
●  Space maintainer
●  Nitrous oxide(laughing gas)
●  And more

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What is the difference between a family dentist and a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist works with very young children, from their first visit at about 1 year of age into the early years of childhood. They specialize in early dental care and might be the best option for kids with special needs or kids with multiple decayed teeth that need to be sedated for treatment. A family dentist can provide care once a child has reached elementary school age and then onward for the rest of childhood and into adulthood. Most kids have all of their permanent teeth at the age of 12. If your child is under the care of a pediatric dentist, at the age of 12 they might want to switch to a family dentist who is trained to work best with the permanent teeth.

Schedule an Appointment Today! Contact us at Smile Dental Boutique today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pegah Naji for you or your child.

Did you know…

Missing Tooth icon

You are not alone with dental anxiety. Roughly 36% of the population experiences it too.

ready for a new smile?

Call (949) 787-1822 today!

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